Lesson 9 – Software development for ZYNQ using Xilinx SDK (Transfer data from ZYNQ PL to PS)

During the previous lessons, we described the basic concepts of AXI interfaces and then we talked about AXI Stream interfaces in more detail. We showed how you can create your own custom AXI Stream units by using Vivado HLS or by directly creating the design using Verilog. After AXI Stream interfaces, it makes sense to go towards more complicated AXI memory mapped interfaces however, I have decided to first focus on software development for the ARM host of the ZYNQ device. During these the videos in this lesson, we will go through how you use the Xilinx SDK environment to…
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OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (no CUDA-capable device is detected)

In case you are trying to use OpenCV with CUDA, you might first like to make sure that your OpenCV code is actually seeing the GPU. So in the early part of your OpenCV code, you will have a small call like this: cv::gpu::setDevice(0); cv::gpu::printShortCudaDeviceInfo(cv::gpu::getDevice()); Running the code, you may receive an error message like the following: OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (no CUDA-capable device is detected) in terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' And you are sure that the CUDA enabled graphics card is there. There are a set of things to check when the above happens.…
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Playstation 4 Power Consumption: A Quick Analysis

Here  is the results of the analysis that I have done on power consumption of Playstation 4. During my analysis I play different games and I measure the averaged power of PS4 during game play and I report the results. Furthermore, I show the power consumption of the device during different states and during execution of different tasks. I show that there is still room for the operating system on the playstation 4 to save power. Watch the complete video Online.  
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The Operating System which sold 1 million copies in 24 hours!

During my life, I have been always curious about FreeBSD. I have been always trying to learn more about it and actually, I learned the concepts of File Systems from the FreeBSD documentation. After 2011 however, when I began the PhD, I didn't look at the FreeBSD any more and I thought it will soon join the history! Just this morning I was going through different web sites related to the Xilinx ZYNQ device and surprisingly I found a guy who is running the FreeBSD on the ARM host of the ZYNQ. I though with myself, "why some one should…
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