Lords-of-The-Fallen-Screenshot-01I have recently made a mistake and by looking at nice pictures posted from this game every where decided to purchase it for my PS4.

The game comes with absolutely no new idea or innovation. In terms of weapons and how battles are performed in the game, it is way behind many other similar games being created several years ago.

The only eye catching thing in this game is big soldiers with heavy armor. Even in terms of graphics it is not comparable with other games being released for consoles.

In lack of innovative content to show to the gamers, the developers have made the game so difficult that every single step takes hours to finish since you should repeat it again and again from the beginning so that hopefully once you can pass it by chance. This is of course a good method to keep the gamer busy and satisfied for the money that he has wasted.

Don’t waste your money, don’t waste your time, this game doesn’t give you any new idea, nor it contains any innovation.